Fighter Jet Trainers Sport Planes
You want a fighter plane as an aeroplane; do not deny it. You need to travel quicker than the speed of sound and play top gun in the sky. Well, you will soon be able to if, of course, you have the money. After studying the possibilities and options of a supersonic jet trainer for fighter jets, there may be a lot of media discussion and many solutions at this year’s Paris Airshow. One such aircraft is the Mercedes Benz Trainer Mako. Top speed 1050 mph. Many years back, we used the T38 and F5 Tiger with two seats.
These units are needed because before you put someone in an F22 Fighter, which costs 100 million dollars, they better be able to fly the damn thing and fly it well. The Mako could also be a small fighter jet to be your air force if need be. You can use the EJ200 from Eurojet or an F414 from GE, or even the Snecma M88 (a company from France trying to enter the aerospace community for high performance and lightweight engines).
You will see this aircraft as an introduction to the F16 or F22. Many third world countries go to Arizona and use old vintage A4 cars for training or exercise in the California desert. This aircraft, like the T38, is about 45 feet long. Aviation Week had some interesting things to say approximately this project.
However, many companies are competing for these trainer jets, including the Korean T50 that we discussed above, and the price is good, and they are available now, while the Mako is limited to early 2003 and will ship in 2005. The United States is now receiving the T6A Texan 2 from Raytheon with the security of US military acquisitions.
I spoke to a training pilot in San Antonio who said they would get the first pilots from him last June. Many aerospace consultants in Europe believe that this aircraft can take the lead as an instructor around the world. Many countries are still uncomfortable buying the Korean T50. Definitely what wonderful fun and a cool place as a sports plane. You know you want one. Think about it.