Avoid car Accident

Unless you have been living under the rock, you will know that around 9500 people died as a result of not wearing their seatbelts in 1999. So as the millennials continue to buy vehicles of their own, the number of car accidents is on the rise. Because speeding is chanted as a “cool thing” amongst today’s generation, the number of vehicle accidents taking place has been staggering. This is why it is essential for one to acknowledge the importance of being careful when driving cars. Only if you are stuck with an intense situation, should you think of over speeding, otherwise it wouldn’t be wise enough to speed up. Here, in this feature, we will walk you through a few ways to avoid car accidents:

Be Wise Enough When Pulling into Traffic

Always stop, listen for a while and beware when you’re out in public. Especially when it comes to the blind spots, you need to go the extra mile to check the rear view mirrors for the highway road signs. As much as a road appears to be clean and safe, it might be the beginning of the end of your life. Look both directions when taking an important turn. In today’s time, a vehicle can appear out of the middle of nowhere quickly, so it is important for you to be cautious enough when intersecting with another vehicle on the public road. Just to prepare for the worst case scenario, you should also have a personal injury lawyer.

One Hand Should Rest on the Steering Wheel

Despite engaging in several distractions when driving the car such as CDs, cellphones, eating or even talking to somebody on the phone. Even a gust of wind or the blown tire could result in a serious accident. Therefore, it is recommended that you put your hand on the steering wheel even if you are not used to using both. Secondly, if you are wearing the ICHPIG Hoodie, it will be best for you to not wear its cap on the head because the fabric can slip on your face. It is important that you maintain focus and have no distraction around when navigating your car.

Watch for the Little Ones

No wonder, children and animals have a habit of popping out in the open from the middle of nowhere. Especially if you are driving your car in a residential area, it will be best for you to watch out for the kids and the animals on the street. Even if you notice a child or a herd of sheep on the road, we recommend you to slow down and let them pass. Never try to impose yourself on the poor animals or an elderly when they are walking in the middle of a street.

The Engine maintenance is Important

If you want to avoid any sudden stall or vehicle failure, it is best that you change the oil frequently. Secondly, if the tires aren’t properly inflated, you must take care of this before things go out of hand. Most people overlook engine maintenance, which is why they end up wasting a lot of time struggling with a faulty car. However, it isn’t the car that is faulty but rather your laziness that has resulted in the car not being able to move properly. 


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